Easily Automate Your Marketplace Payments With Our API

Build your marketplace with confidence, knowing your payouts are powered by the best in class provider.

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How Dots helps CookinGenie improve timely payouts for chefs

Sabah Drabu

Sabah Drabu

CEO & Co-Founder, CookinGenie

Marketplaces are stratifying more than ever before - focusing in on a niche to deliver customers the best experience. CookinGenie, strived to make the goal of experiencing employing your own personal chef more accessible. Their platform connects customers with Chefs to provide an at-home, personalized culinary experience. Payouts within this marketplace proved to be challenging - it required a tiered release of funds, one initial lump sum released up front to pay for groceries, and then further compensation upon cooking a meal. Dots provided the flexibility required to ensure that these funds were released on time, and the chefs were paid as soon as possible.

Before Dots, CookinGenie would have staff manually Venmo, PayPal, bank transfer or even Cash App funds to the Chefs. This process was extremely laborious and was hard to track. Each payment would have to be entered manually into the accounting software, as well as require manual payouts at each step. With Dots, CookinGenie was able to integrate sending payouts directly into their internal dashboards, automate the entire process, and import their transactions directly into quickbooks for easy bookkeeping. The Chefs get the flexibility to ensure that they are paid in a timely manner, through whatever method they choose. Working together with Dots, CookinGenie ensured that their customers remain happy - and their Chefs are as well.

With flexible payouts through Dots, CookinGenie was able to ensure they could build the exact flow of funds they needed.

Minimal Code, Maximum Impact

With our payouts API you can drastically improve your payout options and skip the manual process of adding multiple payment processors—while still reaping the conversion benefits.

see docs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 curl https://pls.senddotssandbox.com/api/payouts/create_payout_link \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Basic <TOKEN>" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "delivery": { "method": "link" } "amount": 1000, }' response = { "success": true, "payout_link": { "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08", "link": "https://senddotssandbox.com/payout_link/dsfvytoehf3745bfm2k3244543fdf", "original_amount": 1000, "amount": 1000, "status": "delivered", "api_app_name": "Test App", "payee": { "first_name": null, "last_name": null, "email": null, "country_code": null, "phone_number": null } } }
  • graphic of a laptop with different payment rails showing on the screen

    Increase Revenue, Decrease Workload

    Dots pricing lets you increase your take rate, while automating away everything difficult.

    • Flat fees let you increase your revenue
    • Easily send automated payouts (even batched!) via API calls
    • Automate difficult tracking and reporting with Dots API and dashboard
    • Flexible funds flows allow for versatile money movement
  • graphic of a cartoon coin lounging on a chair sending automatic payments

    Accept sellers across the globe

    Sourcing should never be limited by borders, make sure your marketplace is international from day 1.

    • Instant payments to Paypal, Venmo, RTP, and others
    • Globally localized payments in over 100 currencies
    • Fully trackable payments with white-labeled confirmation emails
  • graphic of a coin easily managing tax documents

    Tackle tax season early

    Dots managed tax information collection and verification makes end of year processes a breeze.

    • Staggered Know Your Customer (KYC) info collection prevents churn
    • Embeddable information collection for 1099 or W8 generation
    • Built-in compliance for screening against global watchlists and AML laws


The Future of Payments is Here

Schedule a demo and put Dots to work for you.

Coin guy hitting a pinata